Monday, December 27, 2010

Lessons Learned From The Timeless Fairytales.

Hello there! How are you doin? Hope you're good. Did you know, I'm a great fan of Disney Princess, they're all sweet. Hbu, do you? This post, I'm tryin to make a conclusion by myself, take lessons to be learned from the story of Disney Princesses. Not all of them, just some. Enjoy my article! :D

I. Beauty And the Beast.
Once upon a time, Belle, the beauty was falling in love with the scary big beast. She loves Beast just the way he is, until one day something revealed. Actually, Beast was a cursed prince charming. They lived happily ever after.

Lesson learned:
1. Don't judge the book by its cover, means, don't judge people by their appearance.
2. Love your partner just the way they are.
3. Just be patient and believe.

II. The Little Mermaid.
Once upon a time, Ariel, the beautiful mermaid was falling in love with the prince charming from mainland. She couldn't reach the land if she's still a mermaid. One day, Ursula, the wicked-fat-ugly-octopus offered Ariel to exchange her beautiful voice with a pair of legs. Ariel accepted and went to the prince's place, but she had no voice to speak. Prince didn't know who she really was. Ariel was brokenhearted and turned into foam in the sea.

Lesson learned:
1. Don't fall in love with someone whose world is totally different with you, that you cannot reach them.
2. Don't sacrifice your great things for people who even don't know that you're exist.

III. Cinderella
Once upon a time, Cinderella, a beautiful girl left by her mom's death. She lived with her father, and her cruel stepmother along with two stepsisters. One day, a prince held a ball in his spacious palace. Cinderella didn't allowed to go there by her stepmother. But she could go there, helped by her Fairy God Mother. Of course, Cinderella was offering her effort and courageous too.

Lessons learned:
1. Never give up on your life, whatever the condition is. Keep showing your effort.
2. Just believe that miracles will come to you. (Of course this one's a joke. Don't take it too serious, lol.)

Is that enough? I guess no :p But I have no more idea. So, see ya in the next post with different topics! :D

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Firework - Katy Perry

Hohoho, Santa Claus is comin to town! Hey it's Christmas already. So, first of all, I wanna wish you have yourself a merry little christmas, and joy to the world the Lord has come :D

Hey but I'm not gonna talkin about christmas at this post. I'll show you a great video clip, comes from Katy Perry, called Firework. This one's soooo inspiring, enjoy!

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
drifting through the wind
wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
like a house of cards,
one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Friday, December 24, 2010

OMG I Love My New Haircut So Much Damn! :D

Wow, it's Christmas Eve! :) Do you go to church tonight?

I haven't told ya that I got a new haircut (again), rite? I didn't like my hair before it's just like I have now, only survive for 1.5 months, then I decided to cut it again at Monday (Dec 20th, 2010). And I looooooooove it sooooo badlyyyy :D I have a cute pict that is so true :p this is it:
LOL, just like me. Before I got my current hair. Maybe now I'm in the 2nd phase :p
Wanna see me with my new hair? Here you are:

Those picts were taken yesterday at Starbucks Coffee Pondok Indah Mall, I went there with #rangers minus Anita. Anyway I just edited some picts of us (and mine of course). Tadaaaa!
This one's taken when the three of us waited for Febrio, at his father's office called Gedung Kementrian Keuangan. We just got sooo bored, then I had a quite fun idea like this ;p

It's me and Rully, don't know what's on our head that we wore those glasses like that, lol. I edited this till it became a lil bit cartoon effect, do you see it?

Me! :D

I'm sorry guys for making you blur :p But all of you just didn't focus to camera, so it's not my fault that I edited like this, hehee.

I think that's all that I wanna share now. Once again, prepare for your santa socks :D Have yourself a merry little christmas, folks! :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

postingan galau *sigh*

Hello there! I don't know how to start this actually. I just wanna share a thougt that's running in my mind. Bolehlah ya sekali-sekali curcol di blog, belum pernah juga kan, dan lagian kayanya ga bakal ada yang buka blog gue juga hehe.

Gue mendem ini udah memasuki bulan kesembilan sekarang, cukup terbilang lama ya.
Gue pernah ngalamin hal kaya gini sebelumnya, tapi lebih sebentar, 5 bulan.

Lemme flashing back a little, kejadiannya berlangsung akhir 2007 sampe awal 2008. Biar begitu, 5 bulan ga bisa dibilang waktu yang sedikit juga. Gue jalanin hari-hari gue sama dia, dia begitu perhatian sama gue, yang kalo bisa dibilang lebih dari temen. Of course, basically statusnya emang masih temen sih. Tapi perlakuan dia yang ga bisa dibilang kaya temen. Endingnya? Ga seperti yang diharapkan. 5 bulan berlalu, semua yang udah dijalanin pun sia-sia. Mungkin emang bukan jalan kita untuk menjadi lebih dari sekedar temen. Gue berusaha dan sangat berusaha ngelupain dia. Dan itu ga mudah, sangaaaat susah! Butuh waktu yang cukup lama dan itupun kayanya belum bener-bener bersih kehapus. Ok, cukup sampe sini ya flashbacknya.

Now, I wanna tell you, kayaknya gue berada di posisi yang seperti itu lagi. Gue trauma, takut kejadian itu keulang lagi. Dan yang kali ini udah lebih lama. Gue masih belum tau dia gimana. Ya, as told by a besties of mine, dia perlakuin gue beda dari yang lain. Oke, lo boleh bilang gue gede rasa a.k.a geer dalam hal ini. Maybe you don't know how it feels, but i'm afraid to be given a fake hope (again). Fyi, I've tried million times to forget him, to erase him from my mind and my heart, but always and always failed. What can I do more? Belakangan dia makin baik sama gue, gue harus gimana? Sedangkan gue ga punya jaminan buat kedepannya kita pasti bisa bareng.

Dan kemaren nih, iya kemaren, gue udah menemukan kebohongan dia yang pertama. Emang sih cuma kebohongan kecil, tapi gue paling benci dibohongin sekecil apapun itu, karna menurut gue kebohongan besar bermula dari kebohongan-kebohongan kecil. Dan gue merasa dia ngebohongin gue lagi tentang suatu hal, yang gue yakin dia bener-bener bohongin gue. Yaudahlah mau dikata apa kalo dia ga mau ngaku, ataupun bisa jadi gue yang salah. *sigh*

Selama ini gue berusaha percaya setiap omongannya, berusaha percaya apa yang dia bilang. But trust is like a crumpled paper, trust is like a mirror. Ibarat kaca yg masih baru, terus pecah, itu kaya kepercayaan yang masih penuh dan dikecewain, kepercayaan itu ga akan bisa kembali seperti semula. Kalopun rasa percaya itu muncul lagi, ya ga akan sebesar pertama yang masih penuh.

Buat lo yang merasa lagi gue omongin ini, mungkin suatu saat lo akan baca, tapi ya ga tau kapan, semoga lo sadar ya akan apa yang lagi lo lakukan sekarang. Please jangan buat gue kecewa, ok?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Supewrr Great Friday Night! (Jazz Moment)

Jumat malem gue pergi ke Gazebo Cafe bareng Anita, Ganes, Rully, buat nonton Maliq & d'essentials dan BarryLikumahuwaProject.
Awalnya di perjalanan dari rumah Febrio, kita kejebak macet!
Untung acaranya ngaret hahaha, kalo gigs-gigs gitu emang biasanya ngaret sih ya :p
Nama event-nya Dji Sam Soe Jazz Moment.

Pertama ada opening acts, gak tau siapa tp lagunya enak juga sih.
Abis itu BLP manggung! This is it:

And guess what! Gue foto bareng sama Barry dan Jonas :D:D
Mereka super baik bangettts. Bahkan gue bisa ajak Barry ngobrol dikit dan dia ramah.
Kalo Jonas, jelas-jelas gue yang minta foto bareng, tapi dia yang bilang makasih.
Cinta deh sama personil BLP, very kind people :):)
Barry Likumahuwa & Hany Rosalinie

Jonas Haryanto & Hany Rosalinie

BLP bawain lagu cukup banyak, satu jam lebih ada kali.
Setelah BLP selesai, yang ditunggu-tunggu pun datang!
Yap, it's Maliq & d'essentials, me so in love with LALE! Aaaaaaa!
Here they are:

And hey, these are some picts of mine and Maliq & d'essentials' people:
Hany Rosalinie & Arya Aditya Ramadhya a.k.a Lale

Angga Puradireja & Hany Rosalinie

Hany Rosalinie & Dendy Sukarno a.k.a Jawa

Untuk dapetin foto sama personil Maliq & d'essentials ini butuh perjuangan juga loh!
Gue sama Anita udah kaya groupies nungguin mereka kelar briefing, lumayan lama juga.
Tapi kan udah sepi karena udah malem jadi udah pada balik orang-orang.
Sempet ngobrol-ngobrol dikiiit banget with some of them. Hehee.
Gapapa deh yang penting berkesan (apadeh).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goodbye Onrop :'(

Me want Onrop (by Joko Anwar) badlyyyyyyyyyy! :(

Tadinya berencana untuk nonton drama komedi musikal itu besok malem sama Nadya,
tapi rencananya batal dikarenakan oleh suatu hal.
Super pengen banget, cuma sampe tanggal 21 November ini adanya.
Yasudahlah mau dikata apa, gak ada temen.
Goodbye Onrop :'(
Masih ada secercah harapan kalo ada yg mau temenin, just lemme know ya!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jalan-jalan lagi sama #rangers

Nampaknya gue udah mulai aktif lagi dalam dunia per-blogging-an. Hehee.
Cuma pengen share aja, hari ini bener-bener rollercoaster-ing mood banget deh!
Mulai dari abis kelas, gue ketemuan sama Anita dan Ganes, dan kita bertiga nunggu Rully sama Febrio sampe 2.5 jam! Janjinya sih jam 1 siang di kampus, eh jam stengah 2 baru dateng -__-.

Mau tau apa yang kita bertiga kerjain selama nunggu mereka?
Dimulai dari kegiatan yang masih normal, yaitu makan. Setelah makan kita bengong.
Terus entah kenapa muncul ide untuk mainin elevator di gedung Yustinus. Hahaha.
Kita berenti di setiap lantai, naik-turun gak jelas sumpeh!
Selama kita mainin lift, atas ide Ganes kita telponin Rully sama Febrio terus-terusan biar mereka annoyed, kita terus-terusan nanya 'udah dimana', itu setiap semenit sekali kita telpon.
Dan atas ide Ganes (lagi), kita berlabuh di gedung Yustinus lantai 13, bilangnya sih mau santai-santai di sofa. Tapi entah kenapa kok gelap banget ya gak ada orang dan lampunya mati.
Baru gue sama Anita duduk di sofa, eeeh si Ganes dengan sok-sok mistis bilang, "Eh ini kan lantainya angker..". Praktis gue sama Anita langsung loncat dari sofa dan lari ke lift, kita bertiga lari ke lift tepatnya. Sampe dalem lift kita ngakak-ngakak.
Lalu akhirnya capek juga mainin lift, kita memutuskan untuk ngemper di depan lift lantai 6 sampe akhirnya dua bocah itu dateng.

Lanjut perjalanan ke Cilandak, kita cobain makanan yang namanya cwimie.
Abis itu kaya ga punya tujuan, tercetuslah ide untuk ke Plaza Senayan berhubung pada mau liat sepatu futsal, karena kemaren Ganes baru beli sepatu futsal disana.
Di sela-sela pencarian sepatu futsal, gue sama Anita sempet colongan foto di Nike store :p

Di Plaza Senayan kita juga ke toko mainan (as always).
Ini salah satu foto gue yang gue suka :D

Dari Plaza Senayan, kita mengarah ke Mall Taman Anggrek, karenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Ganes sama Febrio mau cari mainan yang gak mereka temuin di Plaza Senayan -_-.
Di TA juga mereka ga nemu sih.
Oiya, fyi pas dijalan pundak gue digigit sama Ganes -__________-"
SUPER SAKITTT! sampe berbekas! See this:

Yak oke, di Taman Anggrek juga kita gak jelas ngapain. Terus gue baliiiik. Dan mereka balik.
The End :D

Friday, November 12, 2010

Future Expectations vs. Reality

Whoaaaa it's been a long time since my last post!
Sebenernya sih lagi gak tau mau nge-blog apaan kali ini, cuma lagi pengen aja.
Tiba-tiba keinget akan omongan dosen gue di matakuliah Sistem Infomasi Manajemen,
"5 tahun lagi kalian akan jadi apa?"

Kalo mikirin future, rasanya kok bingung ya.
Sukur-sukur bisa cuma 4 tahun lulus langsung terus dapet kerjaan (AMIN).
Gue pribadi sih pengen bisa jadi public accountant, atau auditor juga boleh.
Ya I know, sounds boring. Abis gimana dong yah kayanya uda stuck juga di jurusan akuntansi yang sedang gue jalani ini, bisa jadi apa lagi coba? Hahaha.

Tapi kalo diliat dari IPK gue yang super pas-pasan ini bisa jadi apa gue nanti?
Intinya sih gue harus lebih giat lagi, tp untuk jadi anak rajin itu gak mudah, bener-bener susah!
Fyi, besok gue ada kuis akuntansi biaya dan sampe sekarang gue belum nyentuh bahannya, minggu lalu tugas gue gak diterima lantaran gue telat ngumpulin.
Kalo lo jadi gue, udah tau dong hasilnya bakal kaya apa. Pathetic memang.

AH, kok blog gue postnya ikutan jadi boring gini juga sih?
Hahaha kacau nih. Better sampe sini dulu deh ya!
See ya in my next post, and wish me luck untuk perkuliahan gue.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

this is what we called: really do fun! :D

Last Friday, #rangers went to Dufan. Me and Ganes planned to meet at Ancol, and the others met at Atma Jaya then went to Ancol. So, me and Ganes had nothing to do when there were just two of us. We decided to take a seat at Starbucks, but it hadn't opened yet. We walked away to the beach, had some talks until we tried to get back to Starbucks. It opened! We came in, order our drinks and had a talk (again). It was so awkward when we got nothing to say so we took picts of us by using camera's self timer mode :p
Here they are:

okay think that's more than enough, actually we have some more photos but I won't upload them all :)

After finally Anita, Rully, and Febrio arrived, we entered to Dufan soon. It was not crowded :D we played sooooo fun! Love it like that.

our last pict at Dufan

Afterward we had dinner at Muara Karang then go home. So happy that day :) Thanks to #rangers :D

Friday, August 13, 2010

suprisingly idea: escape to Puncak instead of Dufan.

Last Tuesday, #rangers *without Anita* planned to play at Dunia Fantasi. So we met up at Ancol, and saw a very very looooonggg queue at Dufan's ticket box. Gosh, the queue was sooo shit! Then we decided to had a lunch and went back to Dufan. But when we got back, the queue was still like that -_____-". Suddenly, Ganes suggested us to go to Puncak (again and again), we agreed him and went!

Our way to Puncak was so great, the roads were not crowded. We arrived at Puncak approximately at 4.30 p.m and Rully had an idea to go to Gunung Mas. We did a tea walk, such a tracking. It was so exciting :D

This is it:

We did that till the sky got dark. Fyi, at first we planned to go to Dufan but we went to Puncak, so we didn't bring any jackets, we wore only t-shirts and shorts. lol. Afterward we looked for a place to have our dinner. PSK was the one. The air was soooo cold, I swear. By the way, Febrio saw the menu and he found the amazinf one (the price was amazing, exactly). See it yourself: (see the last menu, and the price)

When we finished our dinner, I wanted to go to Cimory Resto. I love to play at their playground :p. See our picts, we really had a lot of fun :D

Rully, Febrio, Me, Ganes.

Me and Ganes

Febrio and Rully

Done! Then we got back to Jakarta. Went to our own house. That was a great day! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

this is for you, yes you.

"If you really want me to stick around a bit longer, then don’t let me feel unimportant."

Monday, August 2, 2010

my #lifethemesong right now

Coba Katakan

Coba coba katakan kepadaku bahwa kita sedang berjalan menuju satu alasan
Janganlah kau katakan bila kita memang tak ada tujuan dari apa yang dijalankan

Aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
Terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
Aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
Lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini..

Coba coba katakan kepadaku sekali lagi bila kita memang benar akan kesana,
Buktikan dan buat aku percaya bahwa kita bisa mewujudkan bahagia..

Aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
Terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
Aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
Lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini..

Ohh.. Oh.. Habis sudah semua rangkai kata..
Telah terungkap semua yang kurasa..
Yang kuingin akhir yang bahagia.. hoo..

Aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
Terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
Aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
Lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka..

Aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
Terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
Aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
Lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini..

Wohoho.. Dudududu…
Wohoho.. Dudududu…

Yang ku inginkan..
Satu tujuan..
Sebuah kenyataan..
Bukan impian..
Bukan harapan..
Bukan alasan..
Satu kepastian..

Coba katakan..
Coba katakan..
Coba katakan..
Coba katakan..

Saturday, July 31, 2010

new experience on safari

Hmm, it's been almost a week from my last post right? I have no time to post this week, busy week, seriously. Okay, now I wanna tell you that last Wednesday I went to Puncak again, with Anita, Ganes, Rully, Febrio, and Alvin. We departed from Sudirman at 1.30p.m., because of Rully! Grr, he lied to us, he said that he had to take his dad to a family's house, but the truth was: he played soccer with his friends.

Okay then, don't care about Rully anymore. Back to our topic, yes and then we went to Puncak. When we arrived, we got jammed and the rain poured quite hard. But nothing can stop us to go to Safari. We entered Safari approximately at 3.30p.m, we only had 2 hour to play there cause it closed at 5.30p.m.

We saw many animals, the rain still fell, but finally stopped. When we entered lion's area, they were soooo aggresive! One lion chased our car and scratched it. We're so afraid. Here are the photos:

lion's scracthes (1)

lion's scracthes (2) and a hole by its claw.

But we still had fun, we play at Safari as if there was nothing bad happened. We saw penguin, baby kangaroo, reptiles, and many mooore. After that, we went out from safari. We searched for dinner. After had a dinner, we went to Cimory Resto. We had seats and did some chitchat, and play at Cimory's playground :p

Alvin, Ganes, Febrio, Rully, Me, Anita.

Febrio, Anita, Alvin, Me, Ganes, Rully.

I edited this one, six of us :)

And this one, just three of us: Rully, Me, Ganes.