Monday, May 9, 2011

HELLO, again! :)

Hey there, how's it goin? It's been a very long time since my last post.
It was January, and now, it's May.

Many things happened in my life around this 4 months.
May I summarize it here? Of course :p

In between January until May, I attend some music events and concerts, here they are:

January 22nd, 2011.
Catch RAN and Vierra's performance at Central Park, with Anita, Rully, Kevin AP, Febrio, and Vito.

Nino RAN.

Yap, that's Asta RAN and me :D

February 18th, 2011.
Attending Homebastis at Balai Sarbini, Plaza Semanggi. (Actually it's live from TransTV)
Featuring: Alexa, RAN, Ungu, Andien, IDP
I got myself pictured with ALEXA's people, except Satrio :(
Thanks a bunch to Feli who gave me the ticket.

Anita, Feli, Fajar (ALEXA's Drummer), Me, Aqi (ALEXA's vocalist).

Me, Fajar ALEXA, and Aqi ALEXA.

Jmono (ALEXA's Bassist) and Me.

Me with Rizky (ALEXA's guitarist)

February 20th, 2011.
Catch Maliq & D'Essential's performance with Anita at Grand Indonesia Shopping Town,
also visiting Mustang FM's studio, met the nice guy: Jonathan Thamrin.
Angga Puradiredja (Maliq's Vocalist).

Ifa Fachir (Maliq's Pianist).

Jawa (Maliq's bassist) and Me.

ID Card to enter Menara BCA Building.

Bundaran HI taken from the 38th floor of Grand Indonesia.

February 23rd, 2011.
Goin to Jakarta Jam 2011 (Day 2).
Featuring New Found Glory and The Starting Line, at Tennis Indoor Senayan.
Thanks to Alvin! :)

At JakJam 2011's wall.

March 4th, 2011.
I attend to see another of Maliq & D'Essential's performance, at Senayan City.
This time it is themed, called "Japanesia".
So look at their costume.
Maliq & D'Essentials.

Amar & Lale.

March 15th, 2011.
Watching the Far East Movement concert with Exa at Istora Senayan.
Opening act: DJ Mikey Moran, Jay Smoove, DJ Devina & DJ Maia -_-.
The ticket.

At FM's wall.

The crowd.

That's all.
Oh I have one that I haven't posted, it was at December 28th, 2010.
Terusik Traxkustik allstar at Epicentrum Walk.
Featuring: NAIF, /rif, ALEXA, the Upstairs, Superglad, the Banery, Endah n Rhesa, Efek Rumah Kaca, Soulvibe, Soul ID, Angsa dan Serigala.

Ganes, Me, Rully.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

MY SUPER 20! ♥ (part II)

Halooo, gue begitu seneng dapet surprise lagi. This time I got it from my girls: Stacia, Deisy, Novia, Michelle, Fifi, Celi. Bener-bener ngga nyangkaaaa!

Jadi tuh kemaren kan gue ngampus, nah pas abis kelas sore-sore gitu Novia pertamanya minta temenin makan di Plangi tapi gue bilang gue ga bisa kalo nemenin makan karena gue buru-buru. Terus dia bilang, kalo ga temenin ke sana aja deh ga pake makan, cuma ngambil buku dia doang di temennya. Yaudahkan gue pikir sekalian gue balik dari Plangi juga deh. Eh ternyata gue ga jadi buru-buru nih. Novia pake pup dulu lagi gue temenin hahah.

Eh pas nyampe lantai 3A nih, ah gila gue beneran ga nyangka! Disana udah berkumpul cewe-cewe itu pake topeng-topengan sama nyiapin selusin donat sama ada lilinnya. Iiiiih super gembira gue terharu bangeet :') Makasih ya girls :*

Thank you girls ♥

Deisy, Me, Fifi.

Michelle, Stacia, Me, Novia.

Up: Celi and Stacia.
Down: Novia, Me, Fifi, Michelle.

Terus yaudah abis itu kita ngobrol-ngobrol sama foto-foto lumayan lama juga. Hehe. Tapi Eci ga bisa ikutan karena dia harus ngeles. Uda gitu sekitar jam 6an Vita nyamperin kita abis dia kelas. Here we are:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

MY SUPER 20! ♥ (part I)

Hello today's my 20th birthday, makin tuir deh gue. Hahaha. Tapi gapapa, I'm thanking God that I can live this long. Di hari ini, gue super seneng deh. Lemme tell you why.

I got suprise from my beloved rangers! Ya, they're Anita, Ganes, Rully, Febrio. Jadi tuh ceritanya di hari ini gue sedih kan Ganes sama Febrio ga ucapin selamat, gue pikir mereka lupa. Fyi, Ganes lagi di Anyer (gue pikir dia keasikan sama temen-temennya), dan Febrio futsal. Udah gitu tadinya gue males juga dinner kalo ga lengkap rangersnya, tp Anita kekeuh tetep jadi aja. Yaudah nih jadi. Mereka dateng ngaret 2 jam sampe gue kesel banget.

Udah nih berangkat ya dari rumah, Rully bilang isi bensin dulu. Gue nangis tuh di jalan karna saking kesel dan sedihnya. Eh abis isi bensin di PIK, tiba-tiba Rully minggir.
Gue: "Rul ini ngapain deh minggir?"
Rully: "Tau tuh ada orang mepet-mepet."
Gue heran bukan main dong orang jalanan super sepi, baru mau protes sama Rully tapi dia udah turun duluan dari mobil.
Tiba-tiba kaca mobil diketok-ketok keras, "Heh turun lo turun!". Gataunya itu Ganeeeeeess bawa kue ulangtahun sama Febrio aaaaaaaaaa gila gue speechless! Seneng bukan main.

See? Mata gue masih bengep tuh hahah. Ini pas mereka kasih kuenya :)

This is it, my birthday cake. Kata Ganes waktu tulisannya dibikin itu sampe ngulang 2x karena ga muat kepanjangan, hahaha. Tetep aja ga cukup untuk tulis 'e' di belakang.

It's me with Anita.

Di jalan ngobrol-ngobrol lah kita. Gue bener-bener ga nyangka. Seneng bukan kepalang! :D Lanjutlah kita dinner di Bamboo datenghya setengah jam sebelum tutup, tapi kenyang juga kok. Oya, I got birthday presents from them, love it love it love it

Thank you guys, I love it too much!

Ya it's me!

Setelahnya kita cabs ke Bengawan Solo Coffee PIK to have a quality time. Ngga lama kemudian udah balik. Tons of thaaaaaanks for my Rangers! I really you :*

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

Happy new yeaaaaaaar everybody! Let's wish that 2011 will bring us better luck :D Time flies so fast, eh? Do you feel it too? I do. In this 1st of January, it's kinda missed if I don't post about my new year eve. Hehe. I opened 2011 with my lovelies: Ganes, Rully, Febrio, Vito. We missed Anita, because she still out of town :(

At December 31st evening, Rully pick me up at home then we went to Hollywood XXI to buy some movie tickets for all of us. Then we headed to Epicentrum Walk, buying a barbeque sauce, chilli sauce, and 2 bottles of 2 litres soda. Afterward, Febrio's house was our next destination.

At 7 p.m we were in Hollywood XXI waiting for our movie. We catch 'The Tourist', a movie by Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Thumbs up! Must watched movie. I love Johnny Depp for his acting, really sophisticated.

Okay, after that we went to Hero Supermarket to buy a bag of french fries, and directly headed to Febrio's house. We prepared everything. Do you know, that was very hard. We almost surrendered. Me and Vito prepared the foods in the kitchen. Ganes, Rully, and Febrio prepared the toaster with charcoals, the charcoals didn't turn into ember. Almost gave up, up-and-downstairs for 3 levels. But finally it turned into ember! Really need a big effort to do all of this. We celebrate new year in Febrio's rooftop. We ate, we laugh, we played fireworks, we took pictures. I love that night. Wanna see us? Here you go:

First preparation.


Smokey pict.

It's me with my fireworks ;)

we're playing our own firework :D

On the last pict, Ganes is so weird :p What happen with his mouth? lol. Okay think this is enough, see yaa on the next post! :)